At first, I thought I was being fooled by a friend who told me about this "condom recipes" which are very popular in Japan. So I grabbed my laptop and searched about this controversial condom recipes.
A Japanese author named Kyosuke Kagami launched an e-book entitled “Condom Meals, I want to make for you”. Kyosuke also authored the popular book “Sentou Hakai Gakuen Dangerous”.photo by Kotaku |
The book promotes safe sex and awareness that condoms are not meant for contraceptives alone but for cooking too. For me, the idea of using latex in the food we eat, particularly condoms is so disgusting! I can’t imagine myself eating such type of food, but I don’t want to impose negativity here; instead let’s just learn the author’s objective why she had to create this unique cook book.
The e-book is consists of 11 condom cooking recipes and all these recipes are wrapped in condoms.
photo by Kotaku |
The e-book is consists of 11 condom cooking recipes like condo curry pilaf and condom meat stuffing, all these recipes are wrapped in condoms.